Monday, August 19, 2019


Come make some fall cards and a cute little Halloween jar to fill with candy for your special someone or just use as a cute decoration on your table or desk at home or work. (I decided to add a circle swing card.) My lighting is not so great, but these papers are just gorgeous in color!  I will have these items available for you to see at my August workshop. You can sign up for the September workshop at that time as well. 

Workshop Fee is only $20

Workshop Dates Available

Thursday, Sept 26 at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Sept 28 at 9:00 a.m. 

If you plan to attend one of my workshops, please sign up soon by emailing me; seats will fill up quickly!  My email address is  I am also willing to work with you on a particular date if you have a group of 4 or more friends wanting to come at the same time. Make it a crafting night out with your friends!

Workshop fee is due by Sept 1 to reserve your seat. I no longer accept credit cards, so please either mail me a check or use PayPal. When sending payment via PayPal, 
please select "Sending to a friend" to avoid fees. 
My PayPal account is my email address.
My mailing address is 11313 N. 62nd Ave, Glendale, Az 85304. Thank you.